Preparation Instructions                                                                    Printable Version

Preparation for the colonoscopy is most important in order to visualize the inner surfaces of the colon.  The large bowel must be very clear.  If stool is present in the colon the test will be discontinued and rescheduled.

You will need to purchase the following:
1 8oz. (238 g) bottle of Miralax or 1 bottle of Glycolax (255g)

4 Dulcolax tablets

1 bottle of Citrate of Magnesia

64 oz. (2 quarts) of Gatorade or Crystal Light (no red or purple)

Three days prior to procedure:
Discontinue any blood thinning medication such as aspirin,
        Ibuprofen, Aleve, Advil, Coumadin, Plavix, and like products.

Two days prior to procedure:
In the afternoon, drink one bottle of Citrate of Magnesia.

Clear liquid diet starting at evening meal.

In the afternoon at approximately 3 p.m. take 4 dulcolax tablets
         with 8 oz. of water.

At approximately 5 p.m., mix the two quarts of Gatorade or any
        flavor mix (no red or purple) with 8 oz. (238g) Miralax or 255
        grams of Glycolax. Drink 8 oz. every 10 mins. until you have
        consumed the entire 64 oz.

You may continue the clear liquids until midnight.

Nothing by mouth after midnight.

Day of procedure:
Patient may take regularly prescribed medication (with the
        exception of blood thinners) with a small amount of water.

Arrive at facility one hour prior to the appointment time.

You will need a driver to take you home. You will NOT be allowed to
drive or work the day of your test. Plan to be there 3 hours.

